
4th Grade; Learning About The Branches of Government



After the Articles of Confederations failed to govern the orginal 13 states in America, the continental congress agreed to draft a new document that would replace the Articles and govern the U.S. There was much debate on the Constitution , because it gave alot of power to the central government and not the states, and America was built on controling your selves, and power for the states. But with all great documents, a compromise was made. The people and states did not want a corrupt injustice government, like the one they just fought against, thus a system of checks and balances was created. The legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches were made, to check the power of each other, so none would go corrupt. The legislative branch ; makes the laws, and votes on them. The executive branch; enforces / passes the law, And the judicial branch; reviews the law to make sure they're fair. This is basically the jumble of it, but for a more in depth learning experience, lets get started with the tasks page.

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