
The Protestant Reformation



It was the cause of numerous deaths, wars, movements, expulsions, emigrations, immigrations, and changes in thought.  Some deemed it as heresy while others saw it as just.  For many it started with just one man, regardless if what happened was his intention or not.

Due to his overwhelming animosity and agitation towards the Catholic Church, particularly in regards to indulgences, Martin Luther wrote his Ninety-Five Theses and reportedly nailed them to the doors of a church in Germany on October 31st, 1517.  This document sought to point out various practices within the Catholic Church that Luther saw to be corrupt.  Soon after, his theses were published and the arguments within it sparked the Protestant Reformation.  It spread swiftly throughout Europe causing not only religious schisms, but political ones as well that have had ramifications lasting even to this day.  The Protestant Reformation changed the way man looked not only at the papacy, or Catholicism, but also at Christianity.  For many this signaled the end fo the so-called Middle Ages and the start of the Renaissance. 

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