
Parenting 101



Use this evaluation chart to determine what is required of you.  1 is the lowest score and 4 is the highest. 

 1=Beginning2= Developing3= Very Good4=Examplary

The first three sections are based on individual work.  The last section (Finished Project) is based on the group as a whole. 


# 1 2 3 4 Score
Organization, Creativity, & Neatness of Pages Student showed little organization, creativity, and neatness of pages. Student showed good organization, creativity, and neatness in at least one section of book. Student showed good organization, creativity, and neatness of all sections in book. Student showed great organization, creativity, and neatness of all sections in book. 15%
Participation & Use of Time Student did not wisely use most of allotted class time and/or did not always cooperate with group. Student was often off-task. Student sometimes used allotted class time wisely and sometimes cooperated with group. Student was sometimes off-task. Student often used allotted class time wisely and often cooperated with group. Student was rarely off task. Student wisely used all class time allotted and sometimes lead group, as well as always cooperated. Student was never off task. 15%
Accuracy & Requirements Little information was accurate and/or student completed few requirements. Some information was accurate and/or student completed most of requirements. Most information was accurate and student completed all of the requirements. All information was accurate and student completed all requirements. 35%
Finished Project - Group Grade Parenting Handbook was poorly organized and/or not in binder and/or did not use protective sheets and tabs. Some or most items were missing. Parenting Handbook was nicely organized and not in binder and/or did not use protective sheets and tabs. Some items were missing Parenting Handbook was nicely organized and in binder and used protective sheets and tabs. Few items were missing. Parenting Handbook was organized exactly as required and in binder with protective sheets and tabs. No items were missing. 35%

Total Score: 100%

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