
Fire Safety




# Beginning firefighter 1 Developing firefighter 2 good firefighter 3 head firefighter chief 4 Score
Information Not relevant information, not on topic, or not well written at all. strays from the topic a little, and information may be mixed up somewhat. good information and sticks to the topic. information was on topic and well written. Beyond expectations. %25
Understanding Students do not understand the topic or task given. students somewhat understand the topic and task given. students understand the topic and task given, and show it in their work. students had a good understanding of the topic and task given, and does exemplary work to prove it. %25
Work Presentation did not give good effort and rushed just to get it done. gave some effort, but details and information could have been better. good presentation and good effort. Assignment was given good effort, and hard work. Took their time, and made sure to include all relevant information. Good details and good sentences. %25
Group Participation group did not cooperate and as a result failed to accomplish the task. group had some issues, but were able to resolve them enough to get the job done. group had little to no issues, and everyone participated and did their part. Each student in the group participated equally to make the project come together. Everyone worked well together, and helped each other to get the job done. %25

Total Score: %100

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