
Time Management




# Poor Not bad Good Exceptional Score
Do you use your time efficiently? Student does not recognize the reality of time constraints or take action to use the available time efficiently. Student rarely prioritize tasks, student completes work in the last minute. Student uses time efficiently and completes work within the given time constraints. Student prioritizes tasks, recognizes time constraints, estimates time to completion, and uses time effectively. 25
How often you set aside time for planning and scheduling? Student never schedules and plans for activities previously, they start doing their activities without any plans. Student sometimes schedules and plans for activities previously, only the important activities such as: education and big events. Student usually schedules and plans for activities previously expect the daily ones. Student always schedules and plan for activities previously, set start and stop points for each task. 25
How do you manage your breaks during your activities? None of the student's breaks are defined previously, student takes unorganized breaks; student takes breaks. Some of the student's breaks are defined previously. Most of the student's breaks are defined previously, student pay attention to the duration of each break. Student takes breaks when it's required to avoid the stress and to keep concentrate; student completes the part he/she is doing before the break, student sets the break time previously, and can take it once or separate it into segments. 25
Do you set contingency time for unplanned activities "the unexpected"? Student's timetable is very crowded, so there is no time for unplanned activities. Student often sets time for unplanned activities. Student usually sets time for unplanned activities. Student always sets time for unplanned activities. 25

Total Score: 100

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