
Circulatory System and Heart



This WebQuest is worth 45 points and you will be graded on: in class participation/classwork, individual questions/homework, and whether or not the WebQuest was completed. See the RUBRIC below to see how this assignment will be graded.


# 15 - 11 Points 10 - 6 Points 5 - 0 Points Score
Class Participation Student participated with the group very well and allowed all members to contribute. Discussed concepts in detail. Helped group answer the webquest questions. Student participated with the group minimally. Discussed concepts clearly. Helped fill out the questions minimally. Student did not participate or contribute to the group work. /15
Individual Questions Student answered the individual questions in great detail. Student answered the individual questions in acceptable amount of detail. Student answered the individual questions minimally. Student did not answer the individual questions. /15
Completed WebQuest All parts of the WebQuest were completed. Most of the WebQuest was complete. Little or none of the WebQuest was completed. /15

Total Score: /45

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