
Journey West on the Oregon Trail



Here you find the rubric for all activities you complete in this Webquest.  Look carefully at the expectations for the journal entries, the map from the first week, the diagram of your house, and the drawing of your landscape for the location of your house.  Remember as you write in your journal you are to pretend you are a pioneer moving west to a place unknown, and write using the words I, me, and my.


# Exemplary: 25 points Good: 20 points Fair : 10-15 points Poor: 0-5 points Score
Journal Entries Every entry is in the diary and answered completely and correctly; all entries are written in first person Every entry is in the diary with 1-2 incorrect or incomplete answers; 1-2 entries are not written in first person 1-2 entries are missing; 3 incorrect or incomplete answers; 3- 4 entries are not written in first person 3 or more entries are missing; 4 or more incorrect or incomplete answers; 5 or more entries are not written in first person 25
Conventions All sentences are complete; no capitalization or punctuation mistakes; no spelling mistakes; Very neat and legible 1-2 incomplete sentences; 1-2 capital or punctuation mistakes; 1-4 spelling mistakes; neat and legible 3-4 incomplete sentences; 3-4 capital or punctuation mistakes; 5-8 spelling mistakes; at times difficult to read due to handwriting 5 or more incomplete sentences; 5 or more capital or punctuation mistakes; 9 or more spelling mistakes; difficult to read most of diary due to handwriting 25
Illustrations of Landscape and House Drawing is colorful and accurate to landscape; diagram is labeled and accurate to style of house for that time period Drawing is accurate but not as colorful; diagram is missing 1 label but accurate to style of house for that time period Drawing is accurate but not colored; diagram is missing 2 labels and may be a bit inaccurate to style of house for that time period Drawing is inaccurate and not colored; diagram is missing 3 or more labels and/or is inaccurate to style of house for that time period 25
Map Complete; accurate; and neat Complete; 1 mistake; neat Complete; 2 mistakes; difficult to read Incomplete; 3 or more mistakes; can not read 25

Total Score: 100

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