
Dance in Early Childhood Education (Pre-K - 3rd Grade)



Standing alone, let alone dancing, provides a 5–15% greater flow of blood and oxygen to the brain, thereby creating more of an attention span. Choreographed movement can stimulate the release of the body’s natural motivators, such as noradrenaline and dopamine, which wake up learners and help them feel good, maximize their energy levels, and improve their storage of information and retrieval. Neuronal connections made through movement of the body help children develop the neuronal systems they will need when they are ready to read (Reed). Dance demands discipline and control (Fowler).

Just these few sentences show how important incorporating dance into your classroom is. If you did well - bravo! Keep on going! If you didn't do so well don't give up! Just like your students need the lightbulb to go off, so do you. This is something new for you so just reread over this webquest and I urge you to look beyond. There is more information then I could possibly link to a single webquest. Just keep trying. 

If you got an A - wow! That is incredible! I encourage you to help your fellow teachers incorporate dance into their classrooms as well.
If you got a B - awesome! That is still amazing and you should be proud! Make sure to go over your reflection and review what you did. From this just make some adjustments and keep on going and you should have the A results very soon.
If you got a C - not bad. Good for you for trying something new. Go over this webquest again, seek more information, seek any help from teachers you know who are doing well at this - you always tell your students to seek help when needed and not to be afraid to ask questions so do that yourself! Your scores will improve. Just modify what you are doing and think about what can be done differently. 
If you got a D - don't panic. Review this, your reflection, other books and websites. And ask for help if you still feel overwhelmed. Don't be too hard on yourself, just make sure you are putting that 110% into this and you will see results.
If you got an F - ehh. Don't freak out. Don't x-out of this page. Breathe. Seriously consider what you have put into this. Was it 110%? Consider what is happening in your school. If there is something serious going on that would affect the student population no matter if you incorporated dance or not take that into consideration. You are on this webquest so that shows that you have good intentions and want to incorporate dance in order to help your students. You have the drive so just kick it into high gear.

Thank you for using this webquest in order to help incorporate dance into your Early Childhood classrooms!

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