
Early Childhood Education: Engaging All Children in Meaningful Activity throughout the School Day



Welcome: Early Childhood Education: Engaging All Children in Meaningful Activity throughout the School Day
Description: During this webquest, educators will Intentionally use and model language to develop all children’s communication and thinking skills in two languages.​ Connect authentic assessment data to meaningful activity​​. Reflect on and strengthen my practice as a Dual Language educator. By the end of this session participants will be able to:​ Intentionally use and model language to develop all children’s communication and thinking skills in two languages.​ Connect authentic assessment data to meaningful activity​. Reflect on and strengthen their practice as a Dual Language educator.
Grade Level: K-2
Curriculum: Professional Skills
Keywords: early childhood, education, dual language, meaningful activities
Author(s): Katherine Rodriguez


  • Welcome Question
    Description: Please complete the following sentence prior to going through the tabs ad continuing: The best part about being a Dual Language (DL) Pre-K teacher is…because…​

Web Link
  • Dual Language Instruction Overview
    Description: If you are unsure of what a dual language classroom is or how it differs from a regular classroom setting, please take a look at the video in the link. Colorin Colorado is a great resource for bilingual and dual language teachers, or even educators who would like an additional support for their diverse student population.

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