
Trip Around the World: Passport Geography

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The purpose of this lesson is to increase student’s knowledge of our multicultural society.  This yearlong theme meets required state academic standards as well as allows students to learn about how children their age live in other countries.


This project is based off of the Ohio Content Standards for Social Studies.
The standard applied is as follows. . .

Geography and People in Societies


- Short Term Goal
Students will learn the features of the country being taught. They will learn  about the cultural and geographical features of the four highlighted countries.

- Long Term Goal
Students will be able to make connections between their country and the four highlighted countries.  Through their study they will become global learners.


People in Societies
Students use knowledge of perspectives, practices and
products of cultural, ethnic and social groups to analyze the impact
of their commonality and diversity within local,national,regional
and global settings.


Thanks to Rubistar for helping to create excellent rubrics!



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