
A Teachable Moment in Egyptian Culture!

Teacher Page


The purpose of this assignment is to present information to your students that was not given in a regular Social Studies book.  Many times students are left with more questions than answers and are left with wanting to know more about Ancient Egypt.  I recommend teachers to assign this project as a supplement after reading the required text book.  Also students will learn the other side of education, a teacher's point of view.  Hopefully, at the end of this lesson they will have a greater appreciation of teachers or maybe not.  In either case students will hopefully have learned a little more than what they started with.


Computer, Powerpoint, Keynote, LCD Projector, and internet access.

Project Time:

Student's group work should last three to four days.  Presentation will depend on how many groups there will be.  If there are three groups then the presentations will take three days to teach.  

 **Please note teachers there is another Group Rubric Score Sheet.  This sheet can be used to score the group, as well as, the Rubric that is posted on the Evaluation page. 


I would like to give special thanks to Lauren Ballas.  She is a wonderful teacher who  has helped me bring some creative ideas to this webquest.  Because of  her dedication to the teaching profession, she has always inspired me to be a better teacher.  I thank her from the bottom of my heart.


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