
Gimme That Old Time Weather Prediction

Teacher Page

I can remember the moment when I realized that an oldster that I worked with was not full of beans when he spouted his folk-lore about this or that.  Since then I've taken more of an interest in the connection between the traditional wisdom and science.  Use this Web quest not only as an exploration of weather but as an exploration of the place we came from.  Including Seniors in the quest is the best way of making the surest connection between generations that I can think of.  For weather folk-lore, old sailors, farmers, boatbuilders, fishermen, loggers and ranchers will know a lot.

Some practicals:

Try to stay away from weather reports, radar maps, and scientific explanations of the weather lore.  It's hard, I know, but the more direct experience of the weather and its order that is theirs the better this will all work.

Old Books can be had "for a song, and ya sing it ya-self", as old Mainas like to say.  Go to used book stores or antique stores to find them.  They make a great impression in class when showing that people in 1898 weren't all fools.

Have fun!

John C. EddyBlouin

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