
Understanding Angles

Teacher Page

This web quest is made for grade 3 students. It will help students to learn in an interactive fun way. It also will provide them an opportunity to learn on their own through stories, guided games and quizzes.  This lesson can be carried out in the computer lab, where teacher can monitor the students while they are learning. It will enable teachers to observe students more closely and identify their strengths and weakness. It also can be given as a home learning project. At the end of the quest students can identify the above four types of angels in two different forms.
(a) When they see an angle they can recognize it as acute, obtuse, right or reflex angle..
(b) When they are given a degree they can recognize it as acute, obtuse, right or reflex angle.
At the end of the quest the learners can evaluate themselves by using a rubric given in the evaluation page. Also formative evaluation will be done from each activity.

NOTE: The resources (power point presentations)  used in this web quest are taken from :
Some of them are changed according to the lesson.

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