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This web-quest is aimed at Primary School students working on projects related to "Toy Safety" ,or the European Union matters related to their protection and their consumer rights. Because of the age and the level of English of the students,  a certain number of Youtube videos were preferred as study material,  as well as the European Union information bank http://ec.europa.eu/atoz_en.htm , as opposed to books or articles in newspapers. The amount of information and resources was kept relatively small because the main goal was not to overwhelm the students with rules and regulations,  but to involve them  in a pleasant way  in the process of experiential learning and lead them  to the main aims of the project.

The web-quest was used as only part of a wider project entitled "Play by the rules" carried out by the students of the 5th and 6th class of the Primary School of Loutropoli Thermis, Lesvos, Greece  for the  "Teachers4Europe"  under the guidance and planning of
Angela Tsakiri - Teacher of English Language
, February 2012

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