
Arrrgggghhhhh!!!!! We be findin' treasure!!!!!

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In order to engage all learners in my classroom I designed several stages students will need to access based on their prearranged groupings (all based on abilities: captains hat=high performing, parrot=medium performing, and eye-patch=low performing).  Students will use the GPS technology to better understand why we use directional cues, such as North, East, South, and West, in our daily lives and how our lives would be affected if we did not know these basic skills.  After students identify the hidden codes, they will work in groups to review and formulate new meaning based on the interactive sites linked througout the website. By allowing a variety of kinesthetic  and interactive opportunities, students will be more engaged and willing to learn.

This page is also to show the the following Michigan standards and benchmarks for first grade used throughout this webquest:

Technology Standards:
PK-2.CI.1. use a variety of digital tools (e.g., word processors, drawing tools, simulations, presentation software, graphical organizers) to learn, create, and convey original ideas or illustrate concepts
PK-2.CC.1. work together when using digital tools (e.g., word processor, drawing, presentation software) to convey ideas or illustrate simple concepts relating to a specified project
PK-2.CC.2. use a variety of developmentally appropriate digital tools (e.g., word processors, paint programs) to communicate ideas to classmates, families, and others
PK-2.RI.1. interact with Internet based resources
PK-2.CT.1. explain ways that technology can be used to solve problems (e.g., cell phones, traffic lights, GPS units)
PK-2.CT.2. use digital resources (e.g., dictionaries, encyclopedias, search engines, web sites) to solve developmentally appropriate problems, with assistance from teachers, parents, school media specialists, or student partners
PK-2.TC.6. understand that technology is a tool to help him/her complete a task, and is a source of information, learning, and entertainment
PK-2.TC.7. demonstrate the ability to navigate in virtual environments (e.g., electronic books, games, simulation soft- ware, web sites)

Math Standards:
N.ME.01.07 Compose and decompose numbers through 30, including using bundles of tens and units, e.g., recognize 24 as 2 tens and 4 ones, 10 and 10 and 4, 20 and 4, and 24 ones.*
M.UN.01.03 Tell time on a twelve-hour clock face to the hour and half-hour.

Science Standards:
L.HE.01.11 Identify characteristics (for example: body coverings, beak shape, number of legs, body parts) that are passed on from parents to young.

Social Studies Standards:
1-G1.0.3 Construct simple maps of the classroom to demonstrate aerial perspective. Give examples of places that have absolute locations (e.g., home address, school address).
1-G1.0.4 Use personal directions (left, right, front, back) to describe the relative location of significant places in the school environment.

Language Arts:
W.PR.01.02 draft focused ideas using multiple connected sentences with appropriate grammar, usage, mechanics, and temporary spellings when composing a narrative or informational piece.
W.GR.01.01 in the context of writing, correctly use complete simple sentences beginning with a capital letter and ending with a period, question mark, or exclamation point and capitalize first and last names, and the pronoun I.
R.WS.01.10 in context, determine the meaning of words and phrases including objects, actions, concepts, content vocabulary, and literary terms, using strategies and resources including context clues, mental pictures, and questioning.
R.WS.01.03 understand the alphabetic principle, that sounds in words are expressed by the letters of the alphabet.

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