
Les fromages français et leurs régions / French cheeses and their regions

Tâches / Tasks


Small Group Activity Checklist

You will:

  1. Choose your favorite cheese.

  2. After reading the small-group checklist, open the 1st link of an enlarged version of the map above.

  3. Locate your French cheese and region on the map.

  4. Read the first text link on types of paste and take notes on only the cheese paste  your group chose, or review the interactive powerpoint "La fabrication du fromage" for note taking.

  5. Go to the site "Univers Fromage". The site has organized the cheeses by alphabet.

  6. Click on the alphabet that your cheese starts with and then scroll down to find your chosen cheese.

  7. Take notes on your findings. When taking notes keep in mind the points to be mentioned in your final presentation.

  8. Scroll down the list of video links below to find your cheese and region. There are at least 2 videos for each cheese/region.  Watch the videos and take notes. Keep in mind the idea of 'Terroir'. Continue to investigate how and why it is important.

  9. Write a group summary of notes in French.

  10. Create powerpoint slideshow to present in French your favorite cheese and information about its region. Make sure that all points below are part of your oral presentation.
  • Name French cheese and region.
  • Describe its texture and aroma.
  • Describe any information you observed or heard about the region and the "terroir".
  • Give brief history of cheese.
  • Explain why it is your group's favorite.
  • Make personal comments about something interesting or funny you saw in the videos or read in the text links.
             There is more information about the presentations on the presentation page.


Web Link
  • French cheeses
    Description: Types of French cheeses explained in English.
Les fromages expliqués par des français

Description: Ah, le terroir est si important!

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