
How to Create a STRONG Expository Essay!



Your task will be to Create a STRONG expository essay for Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, by relating a theme within in it to a contemporary issue in society.

Here is the writing prompt for your expository essay: Choose 1 of the 3 following themes and contruct a 2-3 page expository essay on the play The Crucible.  The themes are: scapegoating, reputation, and mob mentality.  Adhering to the structure and form of the expository essay that you will learn in this lesson - create and defend an argument relating one of these three themes from the plot development in The Crucible to a CONTEMPORARY event/view/issue in our society. 

For Example: You could argue that scapegoating is a central theme in the play because so many characters refuse to implicate themselves in negative situations.  Instead, the villagers of Salem begin to blame others, not because such accusations are true, but because they are looking only to protect themselves.  You could, choose the debate around illegal immigration as a way to develop further your thoughts about scapegoating - and relate The Crucible to CONTEMPORARY events.  In order to do this you will have to adhere to the structure and logic of an expository essay - while using textual evidence to support your argument.

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