
Watch Your Step! Exploring Our Ecological Footprint



You have been asked by the mayor of your town to research the current impact that the average citizen has on the environment around them, and to come up with a plan that will make your home and neighbourhood more eco-friendly that you will present at a town meeting.


You and your group of fellow environmental researchers must find out what an environmental footprint is, and why it is important to understand. You must also examine the current footprint that the human population has on the earth, and compare it to your own footprint. Through this research you will examine the various daily activities that we do that has a large impact on the environment, and find alternative ways for us to live that will reduce that impact.


Each group member must calculate their own environmental footprint, and research various questions regarding the current environmental footprint that we have on the planet and then report back to the group. Together you must create a plan, from the knowledge that you have gained through your research, that presents various strategies and tips in which we can all reduce our footprint on the earth. Good Luck!

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