
Stamps - Mirrors of Australia



The Philatelic Group of Australia Post needs your suggestions!!

The 'what' needs what, I hear you say!?!?

 The Philatelic Group of Australia Post is the department that decides what designs will feature on new stamps issued. The images that will be commemorated on our mail, and sent across the country and around the globe, are decided upon by the Philatelic Group

Ideas are needed for stamps that celebrate Australia's diversity and represent what it means to be Australian.

In groups of 4 you will be required to design a series of 8 stamps that reflect the diversity of Australia today.  Each member of the group will be responsible for 2 stamps. The group needs to present the series to the class in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. In your presentation you will need to explain why these images represent what it means to be Australian in a diverse multicultural society.

Your presentation needs to be a minimum of 10 slides and a maximum of 20 slides. It must include a letter addressed to the Manager of the Philatelic group expressing why these stamps should be issued. You will have 2 weeks of class time and library access to complete your design, presentation and letter.

To get started on designing your series of stamps, move on to the process tab!



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