


Some believe that bullying is just a harmless part of growing up and that the victims of bullying just need to get a thicker skin. But as you will find as you engage with the various sources included in this webquest, bullying is often far from harmless and its effects can be long lasting if not catastrophic. Being able to name bullying behaviour is one skill we all need, not only so we do not become victims ourselves, but also so we can avoid being an accomplice when the bullying is directed at others.

In the process section you will notice there are 3 main headings: Cyberbullying, Workplace, and Genocide, Bystanders and Dehumanizing Victims.

For each topic heading you will do a variety of tasks ranging from writing an email to the Minister of Education, writing a script, filling in a KWL, and reflecting on the texts you encounter. By texts I mean information in any format whether actual text based, video or podcast (audio) -- the sources are drawn from all three of these!

Please pay attention to steps that are optional (ie actually sending that email to the Minister of Education). I do suggest making a video and then doing something with it that would go a long way towards helping the cause to raise awareness of cyberbullying... I wonder what that "something could be?"

Be safe. Learn. Enjoy.

Dennis Chadwick


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