
Creating a killer ESL Blog!



Dear Esl students,

You will have 3 weeks to work on this project. During the first week you will be working in 3 teams. Each team will have to research on the information from the posted links and answer to a specific list of questions. At the end of the week each team will have 10 minutes to present their information to the rest of the class - you can print and use handouts, photocopies or develop a powerpoint presentation on your topic.

During the second week you will have to read and evaluate some of the most popular blogs of 2006-2007. You will each have to come up with your own top 10 blogs and then decide together with the rest of the class which blogs should be nominated for the BEST BLOGS of 2007.

During the third week you will have to create your own ESL blogs! Each blog should have at least 3 posts:one about yourselves, another one about your home country and the last one about your experience in USA. You will also have to share a Youtube video and one of the powerpoint presentations you worked on this semester on your blog. At the end of the week you will read and evaluate each other's blogs and vote for the BEST ESL Blog in class! Good luck!

Do you want to find out what other ESL students think about blogs and how they can be used in the classroom to improve their English skills and share their ideas, pictures, videos with the rest of the world? Check on this video-interview of my ESL students from the ESL Program at the University of Mississippi.


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