
Stop-Motion Animation... Taking It One Frame at a Time!!!




Task 1:


Print out KWL Chart(Attached on Process Page)-Fill out chart.  What do you already know about Stop-Motion animation? What do you want to know about Stop-Motion animation? (The last part we will do as a class after assignment is complete. What have you learned about Stop-Motion animation?)



Task 2:


Watch the provided short videos created by using Stop-Motion animation

Answer the following questions?

1. Which video was yor favorite and why?

2. Which video was your least favorite and why?

3. Which medium was most interesting to you? Explain.

4. What questions do you have about how the animations were created?



Task 3:


Go to the following links to research Stop-Motion animation.


http://www.stopmotionpro.com/ (check out the tutorials)

http://www.fluxtime.com/animate.php- Free software

http://scratch.mit.edu/- Free software





Task 4:



After researching Stop-Motion animation you are to develop a 20 frame storyboard.(Print out storyboard attachment on the Process page)Also you are to write a storyline, explain what your story is about and what medium/s you would use to animate your story. Your storyboard will be evaluated using the rubric on the following page.



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