
Genetic Disorders Webquest




Today is your first day on the job. All of us here at Health Canada are relying on you to create eye-catching and informative pamphlets to assist our genetic disorder awareness campaign. The pamphlets need to grab the attention of the public so they will need to have visuals that are relevant to the disorder. In order to increase awareness the pamphlet must contain the following information about the disorder you are researching:

  • Signs and Symptoms which indicate that a person may have the disorder
  • Causes of the disorder including details about the genetic abnormality itself
  • Long and Short Term Effects that an affected person may have to deal with
  • Possible Treatment options and/or assistance for living with the disorder
  • Any Other information that is relevant to the disorder including references to sources of more information.

The appearance of the final product is completely up to you but it must be easily distributable in a hospital or doctor's office setting. The typical pamphlet is one 8-1/2"x11" sheet of paper that is folded into three sections similar to the template below:


This project should be produced on the computer using Microsoft Word or another piece of software of your choice. Help in creating a pamphlet in Word can be found at the following sites:



After completing your pamphlet you will present the finished product to your colleagues (classmates) and summarize for them the information that you have researched. The pamphlet should then be submitted to the Ministry of Health supervisor (your teacher) for review and publication.


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