
Diversifying Responses to Literature with Online Reading Tasks



Your task is to work with a partner to design at least one reading response activity linked to Margaret Peterson Haddix’s Running Out of Time. The purpose of your activity is to help students extend their thinking outside the narrative storyline and make connections to the real world in diverse and creative ways.  This activity will help students work toward meeting the expectations of the Common Core State Standards in Reading and Language Arts.

Your activity can involve students in either:
1. learning more about an informational topic in science, social studies, or math, related to the plot or setting/time period (1840’s) of the story OR
2. a literature-related activity the deepens reflection about the characters, plot, setting, theme, big ideas, or even the author of Running Out of Time. 

In either case, your activity should direct students to online resources that can inform their thinking or help them complete the task. Click “Process” to learn more. 

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