
All Roads Lead to Rome!



"All Roads Lead to Rome" Travel Brochure: A step-by-step guide!


You will pair up in teams of two, to create a travel brochure of Ancient Roman

Structures. This travel brochure will help your tourists understand

where you are taking them and what they will discover while they are visiting

 the structures of Ancient Rome. You are the expert tour guide! Get ready to

blast to the past where "All Roads Lead to Rome!"



I. Archeological Tour Guide- You are educated in Ancient Roman Architecture. Your job is to find three archeological chracteristics of each ancient roman structure and describe them in the brochure in a way that will encourage middle school and high school students, who want to study architecture, to visit ancient rome!

II. Travel Tour Guide- You are the #1 travel tour guide for the Ancient Roman Travel Tours. Your job is to find three interesting facts about each ancient roman structure and describe them in the brochure in a way that will encourage the average tourist of any age to want to travel to Rome and walk through the ancient structures!


STEP 1: Decide on what type of travel brochure you would like to create. Travel

brochures do not have to be made out of paper, they can be electronic too!

Choose the type of travel brochure you will be creating:

1. A catchy tri-fold paper travel brochure

2. An engaging PowerPoint travel brochure

3. An inviting travel brochure on a presentation poster-board


STEP 2: Take a look at  “Ancient Roman Structures" listed in key words section

 on the title page.  You can choose three of these structures or choose ancient

structures of your own to focus on in your trael brochure.  Research your three

structures using the following links:






STEP 3: Research your topic by finding information, taking notes, and jotting

down ideas in your notebook. Look at real travel brochures or samples.



STEP 4: Create your travel brochure. Use the checklists attached below to help 

create a professional presentation. 

If using paper, experiment with different ways to fold your brochure.

If using PowerPoint or another computer application, be sure to discuss your

creative process with your teacher.

If using poster-board, it might be best to design on paper before attaching any

permanent fixtures to your board.

Remember to add your own creative touch! Try using photos, drawings, and

other visuals or graphics to make your travel brochure standout!


  • File
    Description: Rome Brochure Checklist

  • File
    Description: Rome PowerPoint Checklist

  • File
    Description: Rome Poster Checklist

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