
Taking Care of Planet Earth!

Here's What We Should Do!


There are many ways that we can help our buddy planet Earth.  Here are some simple things that we can do: save energy, save water, save paper, and keep our planet Earth clean by recycling!  Here are some fun activities and games to teach us how to save planet Earth!

1.  We can save energy by turning off lights in the rooms that we leave.  In this game, help change the lightbulbs in each room, and then turn off the lights when you leave!  http://www.touchstoneenergykids.com/games/cfl_game.php

2.  We can save water by taking shorter showers and turning off the water while we brush our teeth.  Your job is to go home and put these tips to use!  When you come back to school, I want you to tell me about how you have been saving water!  Here are some tips:  http://www.aacounty.org/DPW/kids/tips.cfm

3.  We can help save paper by using both sides of the paper we use at home and at school.  This will help save the trees on Earth!  Color this worksheet: http://www.sciencekids.co.nz/pictures/coloringpages/conservation/savepaper.html

4.  We need to keep our planet clean!  We can do that by recycling trash.  In this game, put the trash into the correct recycling bins!  http://www.starfall.com/n/holiday/earthday/play.htm?f 

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