
Internet Bullying: The Move From the Playground to Cyberspace



Part I

First, get into groups of 4 or 5 people. Next, go to this website in order to learn more about Internet bullying:  http://netbullies.com. Pay particular attention to the "Index," "Why Kids Netbully," and the "For Schools" tab on the right in order to prepare your mind for the task of creating a prevention program.

Part II

Each group is going to be completing the same project; however, all of the end products will be different. Make sure you are creative and design a program that will be sure to be effective at reaching and helping ALL of the students in our school. The following are some good resources to help you gain more knowledge about the topic of Internet bullying:

This website has facts and tips concerning Internet bullying: http://www.kamaron.org/index.php/p/100/t/Cyber%20Bullying%20Prevention%20Cyber%20Preemption%20Schools

Here is an article with examples of those who have experienced Internet bullying and how it has affected their lives:http://www.csmonitor.com/2003/1230/p11s01-legn.html

This is an article that provides information about adolescents bullying over the Internet: http://www.newsroom.ucr.edu/cgi-bin/display.cgi?id=1728

This is a PowerPoint all about Internet Bullying. There are very good facts in here, and even pages about bullying programs: http://www.nyssca.org/CYBERBULLYING-pp-BT28th.ppt.

Here is a website devoted to informing parents and kids about Internet safety. The link "Kid's Safety" has an online safety guide, tools for families, safe websites and ways to report online trouble. http://www.getnetwise.org/ 

This is a very good website that shows different Internet bullying  prevention programs. You can get ideas from these programs when designing your own: http://www.ed.arizona.edu/WREN/bully_links.html

Part III

Come up with a name for your group, and have a slogan and picture design that best represents your program's focus.  The picture design can be a hand drawing, a computer generated graphic, or a combination of graphics. Then, design a program to help prevent Internet bullying in our school. You need to think of a way to present your prevention plan to our class and the principal using technology. For example, you can use PowerPoint, iMovie, webpage, or any other presentation software.  You can also design a brochure, using Microsoft Publisher, to tell us and the principal about your program. 

Part IV

Write a letter, using a Word processor, to the principal that will convince him or her to choose your group's prevention plan and implement it in the upcoming school year. Make sure you provide the details that are necessary to implement your program.

Part V

You will be presenting your finished prevention program to the class and the principal. In your presentation, you need to make sure you include all of the details of your prevention plan. Also include why this program would be beneficial to have at our school and how you plan on getting it implemented. You will be evaluated by the teacher, but ultimately the principal will decide which program best fits the needs of the school. See the Evaluation tab for the teacher rubric.

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