
Are you the way you learn?




  1. Find out what type of student you are using FOUR TESTS you will find in the resources section.

  2. Copy your answers and results on a text processing program.
    TIP: Select the text and use copy and paste. If you have problems, then just press the print screen key and paste it as an image (you will need this information for activity 4).

  3. Read about the characteristics of your learning styles (there are 4 websites on this topic in the resources section).

  4. Write 2 to 4 paragraphs reflecting on how the information relates to you, which test/s you consider more reliable and which website best described your characteristics.
    You should justify your assertions with quotes from your tests and results. The Research Worksheet 1 will help you to do this task.

  5. Make groups of three according to your learning style (as far as possible). The teacher will help you to do this in class.

  1. Compare your test results and reflections and write your conclusions. The Research Worksheet 2 will help you to organise the information for this task.

  2. You are going to help each other to find the best study strategies according to your learning style in order to design a study plan together.
    Your study plan should contain at least 2 of the following sections:
    • Study habits (Study place, Time management, Homework...)
    • Language learning (Reading, Listening, Writing, Speaking; Vocabulary, Grammar...)
    • Study skills and strategies (Memorisation, Summarising,...)
    • Test taking (Reading, Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar...)
    In the resources section below, you have links to study tips and strategies. You can use the Research Worksheet 3 to organise your study plan and to do the next activity.

  3. In the resources section, there are some tips given by some students. Can your group add at least a new tip? Find and present at least one new strategy that works for you.

  4. Apply what you have learned to the current textbook unit. This will be a practical evaluation of your study plan and techniques.
    For doing this, follow your study plan to study for the current textbook unit. Then, take the self-evaluation test at the end of the unit in your Student's Book. When the three of you finish, ask the teacher for the answer sheet  and swap tests with the peers in your group to correct each other's test.

    se the Research Worksheet 4 to gather the information from this activity and write your conclusions.

  5. Present your findings from all the tasks together with your final conclusions in a slide presentation. Upload it to your account on AuthorStream and embed it in a new post of our class blog.

  6. Take a look at the other groups' presentations and post at least one sensible comment on one of them (something you have learned from them, maybe you can give them some piece of advice so that they can further improve their learning method, something you particularly like or agree/disagree).

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