
Tuned into Tech Internet Safety Webquest



1.) (Prewriting)  You will use the “Tune into Tech” webquest to retrieve information to answer the prompt, “How to be safe on the internet”.  This webquest includes websites, appropriate search engines and options for alternative data collection such as interviewing a family member or technology expert.  Take notes to keep track of where you obtained your information as it will need to be listed in your references section of your writing. 

Once you have gained insight on internet safety, you will create your own "Internet Safety Contract" for at home.  Use the Safekids.com contract as a model; but use your own words and guidelines.  Share this with your parents, sign it together and turn it in for a grade. 

2.) (Drafting) You will draft an expository text explaining strategies and tips for being safe on the internet.   Type and save your draft using a word processor.

3.) (Revising and Editing)  You will work with a partner using www.twiddla.com to revise and edit each other’s work.  The teacher will show you how to use this website prior to actually being required to use it with your partner.  An email or a print of the screen will be given to the teacher as proof of your efforts.  The teacher will also conference with you and offer assistance as needed.

4. (Publishing) You will use a word processor to type and save a final copy of your expository text. 

5. (Publishing)  Later, you will receive instruction on podcasting, blogging and presentation software and web tools such as powerpoint and www.prezi.com .(within the same semester as the expository text assignment). 

6. (Publishing)  You will select the online publishing tool (podcast, blog, or prezi.com) that best suits your learning preferences and republish your work for the global community to access.

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