
Let's Party Around The World





Your journey will begin right here in America at the Big Apple, New York City! It is here where you will watch an Independence Day celebration. You will create a poster with photos and artifacts displaying your trip.

Fireworks display in New York City


Your adventure continues with a trip to Oaxaca, Mexico. While in Mexico, you will need to divide into four teams. Each team is responsible for researching each activity at the festival. Some ideas to research are dancing, music, costumes, ceremonies and types of foods. When this adventure has been completed you will need to create a brochure to advertise your findings.
Your next stop will take place in Ghana. This is the Homawo Hunger Hooting Festival. Your task is to try as many different dishes as possible and create a menu of favorites to be shared with your classmates.
Wow! Your back from you field trip. Now it is time to gather all of your ideas and create a national holiday for America. Be sure to include any ideas you may have for costumes, music, dance, food and anything else you can come up with.



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