



The process consists on seven steps.Scroll down to read them.

STEP ONE:(30 min) To start the process, you will need to reflect on what you already know and what you expect to learn. (Para empezar elproceso, necesitar�s reflexionar sobre lo que ya sabes y lo que esperas aprender).

Answer the next questions in the blog, in the page corresponding to your school.(Responde las siguientes preguntas en el blog, en la p�gina que corresponda a tu colegio).

a. What do you know about land pollution: definition, causes and consequences in your context and in the world? (Write at least 4 sentences)

b. What do you want to learn about land pollution? (Write at least 4 sentences)

(2 hours). Now that you have identified some previous knowledge about land pollution, complete the following tasks:
(Ahora que has identificado algunos conocimientos previos sobre la contaminaci�n de la tierra, completa las siguientes tareas):

 2.1. Read the "Land pollution" book.(Lee el libro "land pollution".)

2.2.Team Work: The readings will be divided in individual tasks that will be shared in the English class. Each member in the group will have to  complete the exercises in the book corresponding to the assigned part. (Las lecturas estar�n divididas en tareas individuales que ser�n compartidas en la clase de ingl�s. Cada miembro del grupo tendr� que completar los ejercicios del libro electr�nico que correspondan a la parte asignada).

Member 1: "What is garbage"?, "Disgusting" and "Trash or treasure" sections

Member 2: "Modern Landfill", "There is no away"  and  "There is no away, even if we bury it" sections

Member 3:"There is no away, even if we recycle it", "How much do we recycle" and "Natural recyclers" sections

Member 4: "Recipe for rot", "How biodegradable is your trash", "Making choices" and "Going shopping" sections.

2.3. Explore on the web for further information about Land Pollution . Team members must read the specific assigned part from the link. (Explora en la web para conseguir mayor informaci�n acerca de la contaminaci�n de la tierra. Los miembros del grupo deben leer las partes asignadas del link).

Member 1: Recycling Drive

Member 2: Miss Redux Classroom

Member 3: School Library

Member 4: Compost bin

2.4. Taking into account the information read, make a list of 10 ideas  about the topic "land pollution" that you consider important to observe or change in your school context.  (Teniendo en cuenta la informaci�n le�da, haz una lista de 10 ideas sobre el tema "contaminaci�n de la tierra" que consideres importante observar o cambiar en tu contexto escolar).

2.5. Reflect on the words that you found important to understand the topic. Express your ideas by answering the following questions in the blog:(Reflexiona sobre las palabras que cosideraste importantes para entender el tema. Expresa tus ideas contestando las siguientes preguntas en el blog).

a. What words do you already know? Make a list and include it in the blog section "Vocabulary Inventory".

b. What words do you consider important to understand the text that you do not know? How will you learn them? Post your answer in the blog in the link http://theworldinourhands2012.blogspot.com/

STEP THREE: (30 min) In the following video you will find many words used in steps one and two. Read the slides carefully while you see the video. (En el siguiente video encontrar�s muchas palabras usadas en los pasos uno y dos. Lee las diapositivas detenidamente mientras ves el video).

3.1. Watch the video about "Landfills and waste". What words do you remember from step one? Make a list in the "vocabulary inventory" in the blog. (Mira el video acerca de "Landfills and waste". Cu�les palabras puedes recordar del paso uno? Haz una lista en el "Vocabulary inventory" en el blog).

3.2. Look at the video again. What are the next numbers about?

a. 251 million      

b. 55      

c. six      

d. hundreds      

e. 1.000      

f. 500     

 g. 3      

h. 40      

i. 20      

j. 100

3.3. Each team member will write down a conclusion about the assigned topic from the video. Watch the video again if necessary.(Cada miembro del grupo escribir� una conclusi�n sobre el tema asignado del video. Mira el video nuevamente si lo consideras necesario):

Member 1: Landfills

Member 2: Litter

Member 3: Biodegradation and recycling

Member 4: Solutions

 3.4. Write down your conclusions in the blog. Take into account the previous readings and videos.

STEP FOUR: (1 hour) Now that you have learned many things about "land pollution", it is time to start preparing your final product. (Ahora que has aprendido muchas cosas sobre el tema "Land pollution", es hora de empezar a preparar tu producto final):

4.1. Read the next examples of advices to avoid land pollution. (Lee los siguientes ejemplos de consejos para evitar la contaminaci�n de la tierra):

Don't be a litter bug.   

Be responsible with your garbage. 

Help keep the earth clean.

These sentences are IMPERATIVES. But, what are imperatives? (Estas oraciones son IMPERATIVOS. Pero, qu� son imperativos?) 

4.2. Read the explanation about imperatives and answer the exercises in the same webpage. Take notes in your English notebook. (Lee la explicaci�n sobre imperativos y responde los ejercicios en la p�gina web. Toma nota en el cuaderno de ingl�s)

STEP FIVE: (2 hours) Prepare your final product (poster, video, brochure, newsletter, powerpoint presentation, etc.) to make people from your school aware of land pollution to be presented during the English class. Prepare a short explanation of your product. . (Prepare su producto final (cartelera, video, folleto, hoja informativa, presentaci�n power point, etc.) para hacer concientes a las personas de tu colegio sobre la contaminaci�n de la tierra para presentarlo durante la clase de ingl�s. Prepara una peque�a explicaci�n de tu producto).

To have a clear idea, answer the question "What should people do for helping our planet?" Why?. Use imperatives and present simple. (Para tener una idea clara, responde la pregunta "Que deber�a hacer la gente para ayudar an nuestro planeta? Por qu�? Usa imprativos y presente simple). 

SUGGESTIONS: You can follow the next model of imperatives about land pollution and also follow some writing strategies:

- Brainstorming (Lluvia de ideas)

- Draft (Borrador)

- Writing (Escritura final) 

- Revision - correction (Revisi�n / correcci�n)

- Sharing with a classmate - correction (Compartir con un compa�ero - correcciones adicionales)

- Final product  (Producto final)


Web Link
    Description: You can evaluate your knowledge by completing the proposed activities in this website. Look for the four missions in the left side bar.

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