
Harlem Renaissance: Literature, Music, and Art




An Overview...
You will be working together to share what you learn about The Arts of the Harlem Renaissance. You will be assigned to a group of three (3) people. A random process will decide who becomes what expert in the field of literature and poetry, art, and music.

Step 1. Getting Started

Individually, you will read through these suggested sites in order to gain some background information on what The Harlem Renaissance was all about. Jot down notes in your notebook. Be sure to write down any questions you have, so you can come back to them after you have a chance to confer with your group.

Step 2. Time to Research

You are ready to research the sites suggested for your field of expertise. Your job is to learn as much as you can about the pieces of literature and poetry, art, and music that resulted from this period of flourishing creativity.

Focus on works that have received credit for contributing, supporting, analyzing, or interpreting the African American condition in our country during the first four decades of the twentieth century: 1900-1940.

Once you have justifiable reason to believe that this novel, song, or painting has made it's "impact" on this time period, you may consider choosing this piece for your presentation to the Design Committee at The History Museum.

You must explain the reasoning for your choices and include this in your Power Point. Finally, part of your research is to find two sites not included that provide background information on your content. Be sure to site these resources in your Power Point.

If you are the Literature and Poetry expert, look for:
Facts about the lives of accomplished authors and poets who were published during the Harlem Renaissance.
Works of literature (novels, poetry) written during this time period.
Resources for the Literature and Poetry Expert

If you are the Art expert, look for:
Facts about the lives of accomplished artists of the Harlem Renaissance.
Paintings that represent the climate of the Harlem Renaissance.
Resources for the Art Expert

If you are the music expert, look for:
Facts about the lives of accomplished musicians during the Harlem Renaissance
Pieces of music (songs or albums) representative of this time.
Resources for the Music Expert

Step 3. Power Point Collaboration

As a group, you will gather the pieces you chose and highlight them in a Power Point presentation. You will want to give some brief background information on the authors, artists, and musicians before you present their "piece." Remember to include an explanation for why you feel this piece is an important contribution to The Harlem Renaissance. Again, be sure to site your resources in the Power Point.


Preliminary Readings:

Don't forget: You will want to take notes on this information in your notebook, I might check your notes at any time.

Harlem: An African American Community View a timeline of main events that occured from 1900-1940.

Interactive Map of Harlem

African American Odyssey: The Harlem Renaissance and the Flowering of Creativity

Exploring the meaning of the term, Harlem Renaissance

The New Negro: An exploration of the Allan Locke's ideas.
Harlem Renaissance: A Multimedia Resource

A Quick Guide to the Harlem Renaissance

Harlem Renaissance: The Library of Congress Webguide

Harlem Renaissance from the Encyclopedia Britannica



 General Resources



Literature Resources





Perhaps the most famous writer of the Harlem Renaissance was Langston Hughes:


 Langston Hughes



Music Resouces



Art Resouces



 Individual Artist Links

Aaron Douglas Online

Charles Alston Online

Augusta Savage Online

Romare Bearden Foundation

Romare Bearden Online

Romare Bearden: World Wide Arts Resources

Allan Rohan Crite Online

Palmer Hayden Online

William H. Johnson Online

Lois Mailou Jones Online

Jacob Lawrence Online

Archibald Motley Online

Archibald Motley: PBS

Ellis Wilson Online


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