
Earth Science: The Earth's Crust



Follow these steps to complete your Earth Science Webquest.

1. Open and Print the Activity Page.

2. Open the document in the Resources section. The websites are also posted on the Task page.

3. Click on the first link. Follow the directions on the webpage and answer the questions on your paper.

4. Click on the second link.

5. Use this website to help you draw and label a diagram of the Earth's layers on your paper.

6. Click on the third link. You will need Shockwave and Flash Plug-ins to access the information on this page.

7. Use the interactive rock cycle diagram to find the definitions of three types of rock. Please list and define them in their process order on your paper.

8. Click on the fourth link.

9. Use the information and animation to find out answers to questions on sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks.

10. Click on the final link and test your knowledge of rocks. Go to the H.R. MacMillan Space Center graphic and play "This is Your Life". Write your score on your paper before turning in your completed assignment to the teacher.


  • File
    Description: Earth's Crust WebQuest Questions. Print and record your answers on this document before turning it in to your teacher.

  • File
    Description: Links for Earth's Crust WebQuest

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