
Stop Bullying Now!!




Your assignment will consist of the following activities:

1.    The internet websites listed below will contain valuable information that will help your group research the topic of bullying. Visit the sites and use the information in your presentation:













You will work in groups of four. Each person will have a separate assignment within the group. However, you must work to get together to create a final project.

3.    Student #1: Write a letter to the student that is being bullied and explain at least four reasons why bullying is wrong and how if affects others especially the person being bullied.

Student #2: Create an anti-bullying poster or banner using detailed drawing or make a collage using words, pictures, and other graphics that will tell students that bullying is wrong. Create a catchy slogan for your poster.

Student #3: Pretend that you are the person being bullied, prepare a short two - three minute monologue, where you talk about how it feels to be bullied. Discuss your feelings. Tell how it affects you during the school day and when you get home. Discuss reasons why you don’t tell on the bully and explain why you should. You should prepare your speech in advance. You can not read it during your group’s presentation. Use your best acting skills.

Student #4: You will rap, sing, or write a poem about how other students can get involved when they see someone else being bullied. You will include why it’s not ok to laugh, instigate, or simply do nothing; and why they should do something.

4.    You will present your assignment to the class on a scheduled day.

5.    You will be given time during class to work on your assignments together. Please work together as a team and use your time wisely.

6.    This is a team grade. Each student is expected to do his/her fair share as it will affect everyone else’s grade. Team members, you will provide constructive feedback and criticism to your fellow team members. Any conflicts, please see me immediately so that we can resolve them together. Remember: There is no “I” in Team and Together Everyone Achieves More!

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