
Banned Book Bonanza



Literature Circles are formed according to which books the students are reading, and then each literature circle will have a student playing the role of parent, student, teacher, lawyer, and superintendent.  Each student within the group will fill out a worksheet according to the different viewpoint they are assigned to take. The answers on these worksheets should be detailed and thoughtful.
Use these websites to help fill out the worksheets:

Set of Resources (websites)
American Library Association: Banned & Challenged Books   Official Librarian Opinion and Information  
Education World: "Banning Books from the Classroom: How to Handle Cries for Censorship"  Tactics and Approaches for the Classroom
E-Notes Censorship in Twentieth-Century Literature   History of Major Censorship Events
US Legal: Amerndment I US Constitution   Official Censorship Laws
USA Today: "Schools, Libraries See Hundreds of Requests to Ban Books"   Newspaper Article Discussing Decisions Behind Banning Books in School
Google time Line for History of Banned Books   Significant Dates for Banned Books
Time's Article: "Banned Books: A School Librarian's Perspective"   Librarian's Opinion on Banned Books in the School Library and Classroom
CNN "Banned Books Week Spotlights Battle Over Censorship"   Article Discussing Banned Books Week

1. Please list the name of the book read in your Literature Cirlce. 
2. Would you approve of your child reading this book? Why or why not? 
3. Does the book include content that would qualify for it to be banned? If so, what is it?
4. Do you agree that this particular book should be banned from schools? Why or why not? 
5. What sorts of background would you have to prepare your child with before or after reading this particular book? 

1. Please list the name of the book read in your Literature Circle.
2. Does the book include content that would qualify for it to be banned? If so, what is it?
3. Did this content, or any other content, offend you persoanlly? Please explain.
4. Do you agree that this particular book should be banned from schools? Why or why not?
5. Did you enjoy reading this book? Why or why not?

6. Would you recommend this book to your peers? Why or why not?

1. Please list the name of the book read in your Literature Circle.
2. Does the book include content that would qualify for it to be banned? If so, what is it?
3. From the standpoint of the law, under which basis would this book be eligible to be banned from schools?
4. What issues are prevelant in this book that would no longer be tolerated in society today?
5. Would you tolerate students in your community to read this book, knowing the potential affect it could have on them?
1. Please list the name of the book read in your Literature Circle.
2. Does the book include content that would qualify for it to be banned? If so, what is it?
3. Would you allow this book to be read by your students? Why or why not?
4. How do you think this book would change the viewpoints of your students?
5. Would you require that the parent(s) or guardian(s) of your students are notified of their child reading this book, prior to it being taught? Why or why not?
1. Please list the name of the book read in your Literature Circle.
2. Does this book include content that would qualify for it to be banned? If so, what is it?
3. Would you allow this book to be read in your classroom? Why or why not?
4. How do you think this book would change the viewpoints of your students?
5. Would this book alter the comrarderie in your classroom positively or negatively? Why or why not?
6. Would you require that the parent(s) or guardian(s) of your students are notified of their child reading this book, prior to it being taught? Why or why not?

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