
A Time Traveler's Visit to the Native American Past



    1. You and your partner will work as a team on this project.  You will need to choose who will be the "Computer Operator" (this person uses the keyboard and mouse) and who will be the "Navigator" (this person tells the "Computer Operator" where to go).  You may choose to switch off on jobs each week in the lab, or you may want to keep the jobs the same each time. It is up to each team to decide.
    2. First, explore each of the Native American regions in the website provided.   Decide on which of the following regions you will use for this project. (Woodlands Region, Southeast Region, Great Plains Region, Great Basin Region, Southwest Region, Northwest Region.) Choose only one region. 
    3. Investigate about the types of homes, food, tools, weapons, games, art, language, and animals that were a part of the daily lives of tribes from this region.
    4. Discuss the information with your partner. You will each take notes on your own worksheets. Make drawings and label these as you find information.
    5. You will use your notes to write one or two paragraphs with facts about your region.
    6. When you have completed your paragraph and have your teacher's approval, you will make and design a Native American flag.
    7. Choose several interesting items to include on the flag you will design.
    8. Draw pictures, label them, and color your Native American flag.
    9. Make sure you write the name of the region you chose on your flag.
    10. Be ready to talk to the class about what your flag stands for.

Use this link to begin your trip. http://www.ahsd25.k12.il.us/Curriculum%20Info/NativeAmericans/index.html

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