
Aerospace Exploration

Aerospace Process



Part 1
1. Use the link(s) below to define: Lift, Drag, Thrust, Pitch, Roll, and Yaw.
2. Draw a sketch of what you believe will be the best design for an airplane traveling the furthest distance. 
3. Create a paper airplane, based on your design, that will be measured for distance traveled. 
3. You will be given two (2) trial throws to test your design. After these trial throws you will be given an opportunity for redesign.
4. Finally, record data from seven (7) flights from the new design on the worksheet provided.

Part 2
1. Design a Straw Rocket that will hit a target at 50 feet away. 
2. Decide on a launch angle and launch force to be used to hit the target.
3. You will be give one (1) trial launch to test your design. After your trial launch you will be given an opportunity for redesign.
4. Finally, record data from seven (7) flights from the new design on the worksheet provided. Measure the distance to the target from where the rocket lands.
5. Record all of your data from the seven (7) launches on the worksheet provided.

Part 3
1. Design an aerospace patch to represent your team.

Aerospace Interactive Sites (Learning Fun)


1. Use the data from the seven (7) flights recorded in science class to find mean, median, mode, and interquartile.
2. Graph the data from your flights.

Social Studies

1. Use the links below to find the earliest recorded flight from Ancient Greece to the Wright brothers.
2. List on a sheet of notebook paper each of the experiences of flight that you found across history.
3. Choose one of the time periods of flight you read about and write a paper explaining what that time period might have been like if they had all the inventions of flight we have today. (Length of paper will be decided by your ELA and Social Studies teacher)
4. Use the Flight Mythology link to find information on Icarus and kites in Greek Mythology.

English Language Arts

1. Edit your paper from social studies based on the feedback from your social studies and ELA teacher.
2. Create a presentation (PowerPoint, Emaze, Prezi, or TriFold Science board) that will highlight your study of flight from your science, math, and social studies classes.

**All instructions can be modified at the teacher's discretion. 

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