
Adolescent Relationship and Dating Abuse




1. You will be assigned to groups of 4 students


2. While in your groups, decide who will be responsible for finding and analyzing:

• Important statistics
• Actual Stories
• Charts and Maps
• Ideas for commercial tools (remember this includes how pamphlets, flyers, posters, bookmarks, bracelets, t-shirt, and other advertisements forms that could be utilized)
• Fundraising/Awareness events
• And any other aspects of an organization/club your group deems valuable


3. After you have decided who is responsible, go to the websites below to start pulling your facts, statistics, ideas, etc.


• Do not plagiarize information. If you use facts, quotes, statistics, etc. make sure that you give credit to those who deserve it. By citing sources it will prove that you have credible and reliable information.


• Also do not use the same slogans, logos, etc as other campaigns; show some creativity.


• And as always be respectful to others and school policy. If you’re not sure if something is appropriate save yourself the trouble and ask.


List of Websites











4. Once your group has collected all the information, use what you found to create your organization/club.


• Refer to Attachment 1 to see the requirements for your organization/club

• Everyone must agree and participate in the creation of the organization/club



5. After you have a solid idea of your organization/club start developing your pitch. Make sure to use:

• Information you found
• Visuals (charts, maps, posters, etc.)
• Possible fundraising/awareness events
• Commercial tools
• And anything else your group deems important to create a successful presentation



6. For Presentation day

• When giving your presentation remember to:
o Dress appropriately
o Make good eye contact
o Make sure everyone in the group presents something about the organization/club
o Relax and Have Fun!!!


•  When watching the presentations remember to:
o Be respectful of your fellow classmates
o Write down your response to the "Group Organization/Club Evaluation" worksheet. (You will only complete this worksheet for 1 group, it can be found in Attachment 2, and the teacher will assign you to which group you will evaluate) 

o Sit Back, Enjoy, and Check Out All the Cool Ideas!!!






  • File
    Description: Organization/Club Requirements

  • File
    Description: Group Organization/Club Evaluation

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