
The Seven Natural Wonders of the World!



1.)  Before you begin to figure out where you will travel to first lets play a game!  Go to this site and print the different BINGO cards.  With a partner or a couple of people you will play travel BINGO.  Your teacher will call out the different words and whoever gets BINGO first will win!



2.)  Now that you have played travel BINGO it is time to get an idea of where you are going to travel in order to discover the SEVEN NATURAL WONDERS OF THE WORLD.  Follow the link below and look at all the different places Arthur traveled too.  This will give you an idea of the different countries in the world! You will need your teacher to help you read what Arthur has to say about his vacations. 



3.)  Now it is time to watch different videoes of different countries.  Some of the videos have a person talking about the country but others just have music.  The point of the videos are for you to look at the pictures of the country.  This will be what your final product will look like. Below are the different links you can look at.

Northern Lights- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TBmCx-cQ3s

Grand Canyon- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Kuy2-FwIJ8

Paricutin Volcano- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMFHdVNM6Kc

Harbor at Rio De Janeiro- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjG8GRQpgOo

Victoria Falls- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6xK1lmHOQU

Mount Everest- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6L1DMQH-gc

The Great Barrier Reef- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HhyHswjlJ8


4.) Now that you have looked at the videoes it is time to look at the different games kids play in different countries around the world! Click on the link below and with your teacher read about the different games there are around the world!         



5.) Your next step is to find out what Sue Ellen thinks about your  travels to the SEVEN NATUARAL WONDERS OF THE WORLD!  Go to the link below and answer the questions.  Then send your postcard to Sue Ellen and she will write you one back!    



6.) Now that you have looked at the wonderful places from around the world it is time to choose where you would like to travel too.  You can choose to go to Alaska to see the Northern lights, or you can choose to go to Arizona and see the Grand Canyon, or to Brazil in South America to see the Harbor at Rio De Janeiro.  Victoria Falls would be fun to go visit too!  Mount Everest and the Great Barrier Reef would be a sight to see!

After you decide you will use the pictures from the link below to make a travel photo video.  Your teacher will help you create the video on the computer.  It will be a slideshow with your voice recording.  You must practice English by talking about each picture you put in your travel video.  You can make up things about the pictures so people actually think you went there!


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