
Traveling in Central America



The first step is to create your powerpoint.  You need the following:

            * Title page with name and date

            * 10 slides (picture and text).  Label your slides with the 10 required  topics (see below).

  1. Next click on the first link below.  This is the webpage for the CIA and can give you some basic information for your presentation.
  2. Next, there are several more links below you can use to find information about your country.
  3.  Remember that when you add pictures to your slides, you need to label them or talk about them in your presentation.  Each slide should have at least one picture  or graphic and one transition.
  4. Your presentation should have at least 10 slides.  Each slide should be on one of the following topics: Location, Geography, Climate,  Currency, Land Forms, Water Forms, School, Family, Tourist Attractions, and Food.

Hint:  In order to organize your work, divide notebook paper into 10 parts (5 on one side, 5 parts on the other) so when you find information on a topic, you can write it down right away. 

Remember this project is independent work not group work.






  • File
    Description: Introduction to Powerpoint

  • File
    Description: Student sample

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