
A WebQuest About WebQuests



1. First, you'll divide into groups of three (3). In each group, there will be a recorder (the person who writes down information), a technical expert (the person who types in web addresses and navigates through the sites), and a communicator (the person who asks questions of the teacher and other groups and will also be responsible for presenting information to the whole class).

2. After forming your groups and given roles to play, look at the following websites and answer the questions that follow.






1. What is a WebQuest? 

2. What are the essential attributes/characteristics of a WebQuest?

3. What are the benefits of using WebQuests?

4. Now that you have an understanding of what WebQuests are, your next task is to examine some WebQuests. Click on the following links and as you peruse through each sample WebQuest, make a note of the strengths and weaknesses of each WebQuest.



Note: The above links were taken from "A WebQuest About WebQuests" by Bernie Dodge.

5. Now that you have a good understanding of WebQuests and have had the opportunity to examine sample Webquests, your final task is to create your own WebQuests. In order to do this, you will have to go to the following site (zunal.com) and register. Once you are registered, you can then use the site to create your own WebQuests (all of this is free). You will all present your WebQuests to the class on Monday, July 28, 2014. Your WebQuests will be assessed using the attached scoring rubric. 

Website: http://www.zunal.com


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