



1. With your team, identify each person's area of expertise (wind energy, hydro energy, biomass, solar energy, tidal energy or geothermal energy).
              Your teacher may allow you to choose or you may be asked to
              draw a topic out of a hat

2. Research your specialty area. Use the Research Template to record your notes and resources used. Be sure to include:
    * Where does my energy source come from?
    * What is the availability of this source of energy?
    * How does this energy source work?
    * What are examples of how this energy source has been used in the past (or present)?
    * What is the impact on the environment?
    * What is the impact on humans?
    * Are there any dangers related to this energy source?
    * What are the advantages of this energy source?
    * What are the disadvantages of this energy source?
    * Is there a significant cost to this energy source?

3. Rate your energy option as a very good, good, fair or poor energy source for your community. Be prepared to support your rating with evidence from your research. Identify which source is the best option for your community.
         Consider the following criteria:
        - availability in your community
        - impact on the environment
        - impact on people
        - economic concerns
        - safety concerns

4. Prepare your proposal to share with your group.  (This 1 page document will also be handed in for an individual mark):
      Written Proposal (1 page double spaced) 
    * Brief description of energy resource (what it is, how it works, availability, examples of its use, costs, dangers etc.)
    * Advantages and disadvantages
    * Impact
    * Rating and recommendation for use (or non-use) of this energy source. Include at least 3 supporting reasons to support your recommendation. 

        Check the Assignment Guidelines sheet to make sure you cover all of the criteria.

5. Share your research and proposal with your team members.

6. Your team must now discuss energy source options that have been researched by the team members. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages, the impact on the environment and the people, the cost and other concerns for each energy source option. As a group rank the energy source options and decide on the best option for your community.

7. Prepare a 3 – 5 minute group presentation. All team members must participate in the presentation. The presentation should include:
•    Description of each of the energy resource (what it is, how it works, availability, examples of its use, costs, dangers etc), advantages and disadvantages, impact and the impact on the environment and the communities.
•    Group rating (remember to back up your rating with evidence)
•    Group recommendation with at least 3 reasons why this is the best option.

Be aware of your audience. Remember to convince them that you are the expert and you know what you are talking about. Present your information in a manner that will be interesting to your audience. (Hint: make sure your audience can hear you, don't read to them, and be creative.)

      Check the Assignment Guidelines sheet to make sure you cover all of the criteria.

8. Present your presentation and hand in your individual proposal (Don't forget to hand in your Research Template also).



  • File
    Description: Resources

  • File
    Description: Research Template

  • File
    Description: Assignment Guidelines

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