
Discovering the Renaissance



1                    You are to research the renaissance era in history.  You should research the types and pieces of art from this time, the society and its social structure, and lastly the music.  When researching the music; be sure to find out who the prominent composers of the time were, some famous pieces from this time, and important stylistic characteristics of the music.  You should also find out about the types of instruments that were used during the renaissance. 

2                    You will compose a paper based on your research.  The paper should include an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion.   You paper should be 2-3 pages in length.  

The first body paragraph should contain general information about the renaissance (renaissance art and society).

The second and third body paragraphs should be about the music of the renaissance (instruments, composers, pieces, style). 

In the last body paragraph you are to write about how the renaissance era is different and/or similar to today in the 21st century.  This can be through style, instrumentation, etc.

3.                  Next you are to find a piece from the renaissance or in a renaissance style to present and play for the class.  This piece can either be a solo, duet, or ensemble piece.  You must have the piece approved by me before you perform it for the class.  You may either find a piece on your own or come to me and choose from some pieces that I have. 

4.                  When presenting your piece to the class, you will first tell the title of the piece and the composer.  Then you will explain how this is a renaissance piece (the specific style, instrumentation, etc).

These are some helpful websites:





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