
Knowing Alternative Energies





Here are some steps to help you complete your report:

-           You will be assigned groups of 4-5.  Use the provided discussion box to begin getting acquainted right away.

-          Go to http://www.intel.com/education/visualranking/index.htm.  Login using the following information:

                Teacher ID:  antoniocuestas@antoniocuestas.com

                Team Name & Password:  Team A , password A;  Team B, password B.

-          Complete the Alternative Energy Sources project provided.

-          Compare your results to other members of your team, as well as those of the other team. Decide which energy resource your team will be analyzing            Search the internet for resources that will help you with your report.  Here are a few great sites to get you started:





Make sure that you have a minimum of 5 credible sources for this project, but choose only one to analise deeply

-          Collaborate with your teammates to create a powerpoint presentation that is 15-20 slides in length.  Include at least 1 data table, graph, or chart of your own design.  Feel free to include other properly-cited data.

-          Some topics you may want to include in your presentation include the following:

                What is involved in a good analysis?

                What are the short-term costs?  Long-term?

                What are the risks and benefits for the energy source?

                Are there any working examples of this technology currently in use?

                Are there other considerations besides $ and environmental reasons  when determining a good value?

-          Upload your powerpoint to the dropbox that is provided for each team by the due date.

-          Attached is a short sample presentation to help get your creative juices flowing.  Attachment #2 is a qualitative rubric your group should use to verify if they are staying on track.

-          GOOD LUCK!


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