
The 5 Senses



* First you will be put into groups of 4 to 5 students and assigned to a center to start at.

* Next, each member of the group will get the materials at that they will need to use one of the 5 senses for the center.

* Once you are at your center you will need to print out the instructions for the center and  the worksheet that goes with that center. Example: if you are at the smell center you will need to print out the worksheet with Smell on the top of it.

* After all the members of the group have completed the activities at the center, the group will move to the next center and follow the same directions as the center before.

* When all the groups have completed all of the 5 Senses centers, then you will need to read the power point provided below.

* After the book explore the websites provided below and have fun playing the games.

* There is also a video to watch about the 5 senses. There will be questions about this video.

* Don't forget to printout the 5 Senses song so that we can sing it as a class.

Power Point on the 5 Senses:


Websites for games and activities on the 5 Senses:






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