
Pirate Story Mapping



1. Print out two copies of the Pirate Guide for you and your partner (attached below).

2. Before you can sail away on The Rising Sun you will first need to get your pirate names. Click here to find out your new names. Once the page opens, type your real name into the blank space. You will then be asked to check the gender box. After completing these two steps, you will click submit. Your new pirate name will appear at the very top of the page. Write your pirate name in the space provided on your Pirate Guide. (Once partner one has his/her pirate name, partner two must re-click the link and follow the steps above).

3. There are so many creatures in the ocean. It takes many years for pirates to become familiar with all of the creatures of the sea. As beginner pirates, you will probably encounter the octopus and the sea star during your adventure. You will now have the chance to learn some interesting facts about these two creatures. To learn about the octopus click here. Use the orange arrows to navigate through the information. After reading through all of the slides you may click the tab labeled Video and Sound to watch a video about octopuses. Next, answer Part 1 of your Pirate Guide.

4. Click here to learn about sea stars. After reading and watching the video about sea stars, answer Part 2 of your Pirate Guide.

5. Shiver me timbers! Now that you're experts on octopuses and sea stars you are ready to jump into the book. Before you begin to read, look at the cover of The Rainbow Fish and make a few predictions because, like good readers, good pirates have to know what's ahead of them.

6. Now it's time to begin reading. Make sure you and your partner take turns reading aloud. The most important thing a pirate carries with him is a map. Print the Story Map below and use it to record the most important pieces of the story (attached). 

Keep in mind the most important elements of a story: 

The setting is when and where the story takes place.

Characters are the people, animals, or creatures in a story.

The main characters in a story always have a problem, or something they want to do. The problem is usually presented at the beginning and continues through the middle of a story. 

Sequence of Events are things that happen as the character attempts to solve the problem.

The outcome is how the story turns out.

The theme is the message that the author wants the reader to take away from reading the story.

7. Land ho! You pirates are almost finished in your journey; however, before we part I have one last task for you to complete. Use what you have learned from reading The Rainbow Fish to complete The Rainbow Fish activity sheet (attached). Print out two copies of this activity sheet; you should each answer this question on your own.


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