
Zodiac Ceiling



1) The Zodiac Ceiling is an Egyptian Stone Carving which was created by the Egyptians as a tribute to the God Osiris. Who was Osiris?

2) ) Why was Osiris important to the ancient Egyptian culture?

3) When was the Dendera Zodiac first created?  Where was it first located?

4) The Dendera Zodiac Ceiling was originally built inside the Temple of Halthor. Who was Halthor

5) Napoleon invaded Egypt in his quest for power and riches for France. When did Napoleon first invade Egypt?

6) Who first sketched the Zodiac Ceiling in 1802?

7) Although it weighed several tons, in 1820 the Zodiac Ceiling was removed from the Temple of Hathor? Who removed it? How did he remove it?  How was it sent to France?

8) Where, when, and by whom, was it first installed in France?

9) The Ceiling brought about much controversy about the creation of the Earth. They called this the Dendera Affair. Briefly describe this "Affair". 

10) Where is the Ceiling now?

11) Where do you think the Zodiac Ceiling should be? Should it be returned to Egypt? Explain your thinking.

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