
Culinary Tour of the World



Step One: In your group, discuss different foods eaten throughout the world and identify 6 different countries and some of their associated dishes - frame for recording your work can be found in attachment 1 folder.

Step Two: In pairs, run the presentation in attachment file two, and match the dishes with their names and countries. Connect the country to the dish on the sheet from attachment 3 folder.

Step Three: Working in threes, allocate individual tasks to research the national cuisine of the country of your choice from the list identified in step 1. Use the following websites to help with your research. You should note the relationships with local farming and availability and also the culture or religion and how these affect the types of dishes eaten in your particular country. Write a presentation using PowerPoint from your findings and present to the group, the presentation should last no more than 10 minutes.

http://tinyurl.com/5r9gd        food culture and celebrations

http://tinyurl.com/5jhv4w    food culture and religion

http://tinyurl.com/5bze4o    food and religion

http://tinyurl.com/23xtt3       Photos of typical family food in 15 countries

http://tinyurl.com/5adh7o      Food tour of India

http://tinyurl.com/5cpxt5       Food tour of China

http://tinyurl.com/5bak6o      Food tour of Caribbean

http://tinyurl.com/6qbbk2      Food tour of Britain

http://tinyurl.com/5gv5h2       Food tour of France

http://tinyurl.com/626txy        Food tour of Italy

http://tinyurl.com/5us526        Food tour of Spain

http://tinyurl.com/rk6t8            Food tour of America

http://tinyurl.com/68nsxb    Need a break - try this for fun!

Other web pages to research will be found by using Google search engine.

Step Four: Research recipes of dishes from your chosen country, which can be prepared and cooked during a two hour session, and present them to your tutor. You will need to produce the recipe, a shopping list, costings and equipment list, Try this website for costings: http://tinyurl.com/pltgx  

Step Five: The most suitable dish(es) as judged by the class will be cooked and prepared by your team in the next cookery session.





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