
Word Wizard Figurative Language Webquest



Day 1  Go Figure!

1.  Today you will view a Power Point presentation about literal and figurative language.  Write the definition of literal language and figurative language in your Word Wizard Glossary.
2.  Take the quiz at the end of the PowerPoint (Page 2 of your Word Wizard Handbook)
3.  Listen to the Figurative Language Rap and read along with the words on Page 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPiVfdwAsUg).

Day 2 It Figures!

  •  During Shared Reading, Read It Figures with your class.
  •  On the bottom of page 2 of your Word Wizard handbook,  make a list of the literal language devices you will be learning about.
  • Writer's Workshop:  Read ________________________ with the class.  Notice the used of the different figurative devices.  How can we use these devices to be better authors? 
  • Begin brainstorming about a topic or story (We are going to use figurative language to make it more fun and interesting!) 

Day 3  Simple as a Simile...

1.  Listen to the Figurative Language Rap and read along with the words (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPiVfdwAsUg).
2.  Go to http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/simile.  Write down the definition of simile in the glossary at the back of your Word Wizard Handbook.
3.  Go to http://www.ngfl-cymru.org.uk/vtc/using_similes/eng/Introduction/Starter_activity.htm
(Read Quick as a Cricket with your class or by yourself)  What similes can you find?
4.  Complete the simile activities in the resource section of this page.

Day 4  Metaphor is made of What?

1. Go to http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/metaphor and write down the definition of metaphor in your WW handbook glossary. 
A METAPHOR compares two different things WITHOUT using as or like.
2. Go to http://www.kidsonthenet.org.uk/dragonsville/metaphor1.htm  and complete the timed quiz
3. Complete the metaphors worksheet in your WW handbook. 

Day 5 Simile or Metaphor?

1. Go to http://bkflix.grolier.com/sw/node-32748/bk0016pr and listen for metapor and simile. 
2.  Next go to http://www.brainpop.com/english/writing/similesandmetaphors/preview.weml.  Watch the video.  Complete the activities.  Complete the quiz.
3.  Go to http://www.kidskonnect.com/subject-index/20-language-arts/343-figurative-language.html and complete the simile and metaphor activities. 

Day 6 Idioms are everywhere

1.  Go to http://www.bing.com/Dictionary/search?q=define+idiom&qpvt=meaning+of+idiom&FORM=DTPDIA and write the definition of idiom in your glossary.
(Watch the powerpoint labeled idioms in the resources at the bottom of this page)

2.  Go to http://www.buzzle.com/articles/idioms-and-their-meanings.html and read different idioms and the literal meanings behind them.  Can you think of some you use often?
3.  Go to http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/idioms/idiom_1.html and complete the idiom activity.

Day 7 Idiom Idiocy

1. Watch the idiom video at http://vimeo.com/12236342
2.  Read the alphabetical listings of some idioms at http://www.doghause.com/idioms.asp.
3.  Go to  http://www.idiomsite.com/ and pick an idiom and its meaning.  Then, create your own idiom vs literal picture in your WW handbook.

 Day 8 Alliteration Alley  (taken from Volweb at http://volweb.utk.edu/Schools/bedford/harrisms/1allitera.htm)
which also illustrate alliteration:

Angela Abigail Applewhite ate anchovies and artichokes.
Bertha Bartholomew blew big, blue bubbles.
Clever Clifford Cutter clumisily closed the closet clasps.
Dwayne Dwiddle drew a drawing of dreaded Dracula.
Elmer Elwood eluded elven elderly elephants.
Floyd Flingle flipped flat flapjacks.
Greta Gruber grabbed a group of green grapes.
Hattie Henderson hated happy healthy hippos.
Ida Ivy identified the ivory iris.
Julie Jackson juggled the juicy, jiggly jello.
Karl Kessler kept the ketchup in the kitchen.
Lila Ledbetter lugged a lot of little lemons.
Milton Mallard mailed a mangled mango.
Norris Newton never needed new noodles.
Patsy planter plucked plump, purple, plastic plums.
Quinella Quist quite quickly quelled the quarreling quartet.
Randy Rathbone wrapped a rather rare red rabbit.
Shelly Sherman shivered in a sheer, short, shirt.
Trina Tweety tripped two twittering twins under a twiggy tree.
Uri Udall usually used his unique, unusual unicycle.
Vicky Vinc viewd a very valuable vase.
Walter Whipple warily warned the weary warrior.
Xerxes Xenon expected to xerox extra x-rays.
Yolana Yvonne Yarger yodeled up yonder yesterday.
Zigmund Zane zig-zagged through the zany zoo zone. 
Now...create your own alliteration sentence using YOUR NAME in your WW Handbook! 

 Day 9 Meow, Moo and Ruff-Onomatopoeia

1. Go to http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/onomatopoeia
2.  Write the definition in your glossary
3.  Read the book Click Clack Moo, Cows that Type   at bookflix http://bkflix.grolier.com/sw/node-32748/bk0002pr .    What examples of onomatopoeia are in the book?
4.  Go to http://interactives.mped.org/preview_mg.aspx?id=736&title=  Write down your answers on the sounds worksheet in your WW handbook.

Day 10 Onomotopoeia and Comics

1.  Go to http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/magickey/adventures/soundmonster.shtml and complete the activity.
2.  Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Vfp8t-DoeM&feature=related and watch the video.
3.  Make your own comic at  http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/Comix/.  Create the comic using words that makes sounds and email it to your teacher at [email protected].

Day 11 Hyperbole

1.  Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvNhhEtUGJY&feature=related and read along with your Shel Silverstein Poem.  Illustrate your poem.  Could this really happen? 
2.  Read these hyperboles written by other students then write your own hyperbole to share with the class.  Go to http://www.worsleyschool.net/socialarts/hyperbole/hyperbole2.html to read the examples. 
3.  Go to http://www.shelsilverstein.com and play some games if you have extra time.

Day 12 Personification

1.  What does it mean to personify?  You take something that is not human and give it human qualities.  (Write that down in your WW glossary!)
2.  Go to http://www.tnellen.com/cybereng/lit_terms/personification.html and read about personification.
3.  Complete the activity at http://www.imschools.org/cms/Units/Poetry/personif.htm on the back of your Hyperbole poem.

Day 13  Review~Go back to any day that you might have questions. Watch a video or ask a friend.  Go to http://www.kidskonnect.com/subject-index/20-language-arts/343-figurative-language.html to review any information.              

Day 14 Break the spell!

Go to your spell breaker in the back of your WW Handbook and try to break the spell! 

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