
My Back to School Clothes Shopping Budget



  1. Students will work independently at computers in the computer lab.
  2. Students will go online to Target's and Old Navy's websites to find two outfits. They will be given $150 to work with. Students should choose 2 pairs of pants, 2 shirts, and two pairs of shoes (and socks if necessary--for sneakers or boots). Any purchases at Old Navy will be calculated at 25% off, since students have a coupon. The coupon MUST be used. If there are shipping costs, be sure to add them into your calculations.
  3. Students will use the attached budget worksheet to calculate the cost of their purchases.
  4. Be smart with your money! Any left over can be used to make a purchase of your choosing (one that would be okay with your mom).
  5. As you finish up your task, take time and watch the attached YouTube videos about Kids and Money. Also, play the attached game, Mad Money!


Web Link

Description: Teaching Kids About Money-- America's Cheapest Family

Web Link

Description: Children and Money

  • File
    Description: Budget Worksheet

Web Link

Description: Kids and Money Trailer

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